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These particular earrings are a little under two inches, not including the finding, which, in this case, is a silver plated 1" half hoop. Color of the actual piece is better represented by the second image, strangely enough. 
The Photo Shoot story, see Strung Earring Collection. Friends decided they would be my team on the day I had to take these pics. During a break in work, and after I had listened to a lot of kvetching about no shop stewards who wants to be a shop steward we deserve better conditions sort of fun kvetching.The volume of the EDM wasn't high enough to cover anyone's voice, so I was privy to everything. The great suggestion was:  Get a piece of cloth, stick a couple pins into it, and shoot the pic. (Example below) It seemed to make sense in terms of the production line we had. But not for me or the earrings. A few shots later, back to my rock. Plan B was fast, but not so fast there, pardner!

Column earring - Short - 1

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